At midday today, a recording of Titanic's ship's whistle was sounded across Southampton docks, at the exact hour 100 years ago that RMS
Titanic slipped its moorings and set sail on its doomed voyage. A modern cruisliner, MS
Balmoral is in the North Atlantic, braving early spring gales as it retraces the route that
Titanic took in 1912. On Saturday evening, it should be at the site where the
Titanic went down. As we all know, more than 1500 souls were lost on 15 April 1912.

Does anyone know about the nearly 700 souls that were lost on board the emigrant ship
Norge, which foundered at Rockall on 28 June 1904? You may wonder about the connection, but the connection is there, and it's a stark one. When the inquiry was held into the sinking of the
Titanic, one of the contributory factors to the number of lives lost was the lack of lifeboats and other life-saving apparatus on board. After the loss of the
Norge, it was also found that there was a lack of lifeboats on board. The recommendation that there should be sufficient lifeboats to accommodate all aboard, was never followed up.
And it was this omission that made the sinking of the
Titanic such a dreadful loss of life.
In the early hours of Sunday morning, at 12.40 am, I shall remember the loss of 1500 lives on board
Titanic. I shall also remember the 700 lost on board the
Norge, eight years previous. For their loss was in vain, as
Titanic proved.