Not a very good day in terms of weather, with a strong southerly wind. Although this morning's heavy rain has subsided, the brightness is only slowly turning up.
This morning, the large private motoryacht
Le Grand Bleu is lying anchored in Glumag Harbour. It is one of the largest privately owned yachts in the world, weighing in at 108 metres in length and 5,556 gross tonnage. It is owned by one of the richest people in Russia, who had it gifted to him by Roman Abramovich, well known in football circles in the UK.
Hurricane Bill is now a category IV hurricane and will steadily veer on a more northerly course over the next couple of days. New England and Nova Scotia should start keeping an eye on this system for the coming weekend. The forecast shows the storms skimming the southeastern point of Nova Scotia in 5 days' time; a very long way off as yet, so keep an eye on the NHC output.
Typhoon Vamco is in the open Pacific, 1,000 miles from any land. It is not certain if any land will be affected by this system; if so, it will be no earlier than the middle of next week.