Just been up to the shop to buy the Sunday meal - having lasagna this evening. Thought it wasn't cold, and I just spotted the midday weather report: 11C / 52F. Not seen that for a while. It is feeling quite springlike with lots of bright sunshine and buds swelling on the dogrose bushes down the street. My cold is a little better this morning (thank you), so that'll continue going away in the same way it came: on its own.
Be careful what pictures you put on Facebook.
It could cost you your life.
I know people who won't touch the social networking side of the Internet with a barge pole, slating teenagers for spending more time on the Net than meeting friends face to face. Worse than that, being 'groomed' by people they don't know. Facebook has a genuine purpose for people far apart to stay in touch, using text and photographs. That capacity can also be used for malicious purposes, and is in fact being used as such. It is commonly known that it is not a good idea to slag off your employer on the Net, unless you do it on a closed site to which your employer and colleagues have no access. However, there is never an excuse for murder.