At 1 o'clock, I went to the ferry terminal to go on the ferry to Ullapool. If memory serves, my last crossing was in 2009. It was a dreich day, with low cloud and occasional rain. After leaving port at 1.50pm, the island soon disappeared behind the mist and murk, and the mainland hills took a while to appear. There was hardly any swell. The crew decided to enact an emergency drill, to liven up a dull crossing. By 3.15, the mainland hills loomed up out of the mist, and the ferry presently sailed into Loch Broom. The cruiseliner
Artania was anchored off Ullapool. A quick transfer saw me on board the 961 bus to Inverness. It was raining steadily from Ullapool to the watershed at Loch Glascarnoch, but the sun started to appear after Garve. Got into Inverness around 6pm, and proceeded to my digs. After a bite to eat, I went for an amble round the city. Found the old Youth Hostel on Old Edinburgh Road, which burned out in 2007 - it still stands as a shell. The edifice is a listed building, but it's best torn down. I stayed there in 1992. Had an early night.