Morning all from a fairly overcast Stornoway. We're in for some showers today, with the mercury around 15C. It's always nice to be different, the rest of the country is basking in sunshine. The summer solstice occurred at 11.51 am, and the Callanish Stones were overrun by misguided stone-huggers, by all accounts.
I'm told that the wreck of the Monaco has finally been fully removed from the Inner Harbour. It was plainly visible from Cromwell Street / Bayhead near the Kenneth Street turn-off, and presented an eyesore from the Castle Grounds. I'm sad to see any boat being reduce to rubble like that, particularly in the Monaco's case. If it hadn't been for a protracted legal battle, she wouldn't have had to linger in port for the past 12 years. The only winners are the lawyers, the two people disputing ownership now have the object of their battle turned into whisky casks!