View across the Outer Harbour of Stornoway

Wednesday, 17 February 2016


So some of the council cuts in the Western Isles have been reversed in the face of popular (sic) opposition. Isn't it more like the SNP group on the council (see…) prompted this volte-face. Actually quite disingenuous, bearing in mind that it is SNP policy (Scottish Government) to starve local authorities of funding through the council tax freeze (popular measure, I'm sure) and blaming Westminster for depriving Scotland of funding, of which the SNP administration do not use about 400 million a year and relinquish back to the UK Treasury. Sorry, this is an intensely party-political post, but don't expect me to have anything good to say about any of the opposition parties either. Labour has become a pallid reflection of itself, and is heading for annihilation at the Scottish Parliament vote in May; and the Tories I like even less. Politics. No thanks.

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