The North Atlantic hurricane season is not as active as previously forecast, but we're yet to reach the peak. The customary tropical waves are moving across the Atlantic, and certainly are having an impact. One of these surges of moisture is east of Nicaragua, and its associated thunderstorms are thought to have contributed to the crash of a Colombian airliner on a Caribbean island last night. A Boeing 737 crashed on the island of San Andres at 0649 GMT (0149 local time) after being struck by lightning. The latest NHC report mentions a tropical wave, with thunderstorm activity between Colombia and western Caribbean waters. San Andres, off the coast of Nicaragua, is directly under said wave. Nobody was killed, although 114 passengers were hurt.
If you are using Mcafee for your internet security, please think again. One of my relatives mistakenly clicked on a pop-up, upon which Mcafee did not alert to the fact that malware was being downloaded. A few minutes later, the Mcafee programme (firewall, antivirus, anti-malware) had been deleted from their computer, common behaviour for malware. Having complained to the company, 3 weeks ago, they are yet to receive a response. Zero out of ten to Mcafee.
Finally, I would like to highlight this fascinating article on Wikipedia on the star Vega. Vega is one of the brightest stars in northern skies, currently high up as the main star in the constellation Lyra. It is one of the three stars (the others being Deneb (Cygnus the Swan) and Altair (Aquila the Eagle)) which make up the Summer Triangle. This swings through the southern skies in summer, finally dipping behind the horizon in November.

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