View across the Outer Harbour of Stornoway

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Sunset notes

The sun set five minutes ago, after a bright afternoon. The clouds have slowly moved away south, and we're all set for a cold night. Over on the Scottish mainland, the overnight low is expected to be about -9C. Further east, heavy snow is once more on its way into Aberdeenshire. The winter is by no means over, although I'd like to think that the Western Isles is having the best of the weather.

Here in the island of Lewis, planning permission has been granted for an electricity converter station at Gravir, 27 miles south of Stornoway by road (15 by sea). It will be the exit-point for all power generated by windfarms in the island. The electricity plant is expected to be huge, and a colossal blot on the landscape. The vote in the local council was not unanimous, with concerns raised over the impact on roads and landscape.

Gravir in July 2007


  1. Glad you had a sunny day. We are getting a little this afternoon. It is very windy and the clouds are moving right along so every now and then the sun peeps through.

  2. Hi Guido, its been a nice sunny day down south though bitterly cold. I agree with you that Winter is by no means finished with us.

    Love Sandra xx

  3. What a shame the electric plant is a go. Your landscape is so beautiful, I can't imagine why anyone would even think of building a big power plant.

  4. It seems that far off lands are not immune to the marches of time. Makes me sad for you folks, just a bit. Progress is good, and needed, but change is difficult at best.
