View across the Outer Harbour of Stornoway

Sunday 18 January 2009


I read a blog, written by American author Elizabeth M. Parsons. Today, she wrote about Letting Go. How do you handle grief, in other words. My response was:

Every person is the sum total of their personality and their experiences in life. Grief is a natural and necessary emotion to come to terms with loss. It cannot be banished altogether, as that would warp your personality. The people that have passed on were once an integral part of your life, so sadness at their loss is normal. However, neither can you allow grief to take over your life, as that would carry the same peril.

Read Liza's post, and leave a comment - both there and at this post.


  1. I agree with all that you have written Guido..I know that we have both had our times of great sadness this year and it has been hard...but we must move on without ever forgetting the past.
    Love Sybil x

  2. I went over and read her entry - you said it very well.

  3. Grief definitely helps define us. We can only hope that it does not strike the young to soon.

  4. Ah Guido, I think you know well, the stuff we are made of.
