View across the Outer Harbour of Stornoway

Friday 28 November 2008

Friday 28 November

Many thanks for your expressions of support in response to my previous post. There are things afoot both on-line and off, which I cannot discuss on an open blog. It requires sorting out, which I find singularly hard. I am calling round the odd blog or two as I find time or inclination.

Out here in the Hebrides, it went dark after half past two this afternoon, with rain, sleet and snow falling on the town of Stornoway. It is also very cold, with the mercury barely above freezing. Officially, by the way, the sun sets at 3.45pm. With the clouds overhead, it just doesn't get light through the day.


  1. We had had non-stop rain all last night and all of today. So dark and gloomy, very depressing. Do what you feel like doing Guido, take your time. I am sure you will find your way out of the maze.

  2. That could get dreary!

    And, yes, you do what you need to do, what is right for you. Many of us are here, as a friend for you, when you're up to it or feel so inclined.

  3. Guido our weather has been dreary and the nights draw in too quickly ~ whatever it is you need to sort out I hope you get it settled soon ~ Ally x

  4. Take care of yourself Guido - hope you sort things out soon.

  5. I'll keep you busy darling with questions that need answers on the new blog!

    I don't know what you need to sort out but I'm sure you will be able to resolve those issues when they come up. Take one day at a time.

    You are a hard worker and a kind, caring person. We all love you!

    BTW, I do need some help and who else may have the solution for me but you! I recently changed my Header to go along with the holiday cheer and then thought I'd try another....the "Edit" button will not allow me to remove it. I hope I'm not stuck with that Header forever now???? Any suggestions?

    SEE.........WE NEED YOU!

    Hugs, Rose

  6. hi guido, sorry i haven't been around for awhile. I am sorry to hear of your troubles. Of course you must do what is best for you,but you would be greatly missed. Always available for a chat should you need a friendly ear or!! take care mrs txxx

  7. Your online friends here will appreciate it if you stay on with us for sure. Hope the clouds clear out for you and you get some sunshine. I know the dark days and long nights are hard to take.
    'On Ya'-ma

  8. Wow and I thought it was depressing here when it gets dark at 4:30pm. When it's dreary like that I just turn on more lights & turn the music up a little louder. Oh, in a few months the days will get longer.

  9. Dear Guido I do hope you find some answers soon ,I wouldnt like to see you go, whatever the out come ,We have had fog here in the Fens for the past two days ,and on a personal note I cant change my header also, help ! Jan xx

  10. I head straight for your journal 'Atlantic light' when things get too much for me. Perhaps we all carry a light on our journey that is seen more easily by others. Your light shines very brightly from where I am. I would like to be able to reflect a little of it back to you.Thinking of you Guido. Liz
