View across the Outer Harbour of Stornoway

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Jland as was

I'm seeing graphics around marked "J-land, we'll never forget". Anyone care to share a picture link? I'll transfer said graphic to my own photobucket account and link it from there.

Edit midnight 15/16 October: Got two graphics now (see sidebar), but any others still welcome.


  1. Have sent two graphics Guido. I was not sure what you meant about linking, no doubt you will sort it out.

  2. Cool! I hope you get one so I can snag!

    be well,

  3. I've not been lucky enough to see it but should prove to be interesting... only thing .. the community was the people not the place so of course we won't forget :)

  4. I have a different one from the two you show here. I just sent it to you in an email. I can't remember who made them, though, but I think it was Sugar.
