It's a miserable and cold day, with a strong northerly breeze keeping the mercury down to only just double figures. Intermittent rain makes it even colder - and that just a few days after the solstice.
I have kept an eye on the evolving story of another whistle-blower,
Edward Snowden, who fled Hong Kong this morning and is (at time of posting) in Moscow. Mr Snowden revealed that the US intelligence services widely snoop on social networks, something that he (as an employee of said services) shouldn't really be talking about. What made me laugh this morning was a comment from the Chinese government that the US are the worst at transgressing internet security. It is alleged that the Chinese hack into all sorts of websites (including US government ones) on an industrial scale.
Edward Snowden has been assisted in his flight (and plight) by Wikileaks, whose founder (Julian Assange) remains holed up in the Ecuadorean embassy in London. Although I view the activities of Messrs Assange and Snowden askance, it is faintly amusing to see governments being exposed with the pants down on matters of internet security.