View across the Outer Harbour of Stornoway

Friday 13 March 2009

Friday 13 March

Once more Friday the 13th. I used to have a black cat, and it was a very sweet, half-human cat that ate what we ate, would tap me on the shoulder to ask for a bit out of my plate. Outside our house, it would chase mice, birds and rabbits, bring latter in for live consumption under bed at 3 in the morning with attending screeching by rabbit followed by crunching of its bones. Leaving only its tail. Same cat also went out on the pull at this time of the year, resulting in black kittens all over the place.

The teenager who shot 15 people in Germany last Wednesday was being treated for depression last year. He did not continue treatment after it was relocated from one town to another. More on this story on the BBC News website.

A vast amount of information on casualties from the First World War has been uncovered in Geneva, and is currently being collated. It is hoped to have it on-line in five years' time. British man Peter Barton has been given access to the vaults of the Red Cross headquarters, and details on 20 million casualties were found on index cards and ledgers. Read more here.


  1. We once had a black cat called Lucky. He got run over. Oh well, happy red nose day.

  2. Guido isn't it wonderful they have found those files ~ it will enable people to find out what happened to their loved ones ~ Ally x

  3. I have a black cat now. His name is LaLa. It was our JLand friend, Lahoma's nick name. This is one tough wild ferile cat and will take on neighbor dogs in an instant.

    Happy Tricadeca Day!


  4. That was a very interesting article on the casualties info found. We have had several black cats (I thought ALL cats are half human! lol), and the lady across the street from us used to always get scared when one of them would cross in front of her.
