View across the Outer Harbour of Stornoway

Saturday 16 May 2009


Blogging seems to be falling by the wayside. At least that is the impression after going through journals this afternoon, and encountering one who is quitting and several who resumed posting after an absence of up to 3 months. It would appear that Facebook is a major distraction, but also the distractions of real life. Naturally, with the global economic situation being dire, that would be a contributing factor. Nonetheless, I do not suggest to quit Facebook or to live inside your computer (something I've been accused of doing), but to use the blog for things you cannot do on Facebook, as a complimentary element. Personally, I use Twitter, Facebook and this (and other) blog(s).

We used to have a nice community, and AOHell have a lot to answer for. But we know they didn't care. Keep in touch, won't ya?

Saturday 16 May

The East Pacific hurricane season commenced yesterday. This usually affects the coasts of Central America and western Mexico, with a remote chance of hurricanes or their remnants affecting the southwest of the USA. Hurricanes in the Pacific very rarely directly impact on California, as sea temperatures are too low to sustain such systems - the sea surface temperature should be at least 26C / 80F. At the moment, nothing threatens (to develop). The North Atlantic hurricane season will start on 1 June; NHC have an educational week on hurricanes starting next Saturday. Are you in hurricane alley? Are you prepared?

Today is dreich (grey and wet) in Stornoway. Glancing across the bay, I see a small cargo ship tied up at Arnish Pier, presumably to take away some of the products of the Fabrication Yard. AIS tell me the vessel is called Sesame. Also on AIS was a fleet oil supply vessel, the Kanawha. Its stated destionation is Over there. Right. She has now moved off the map, out of range of the AIS receiving stations ashore.

The Hubble Space Telescope is currently undergoing some refurbishment, and it is not going all that smoothly. One spacewalk took 8 hours, but the job got done. Read more here.