The day after the night before saw me untangling the bins from the gardenhose (see yesterday's post) and putting them out for uplifting. Pity it wasn't still blowing hard, as gales on Friday lead to the hilarious phenomenon of the bindance. Empty bins go walkabout, cause obstructions and generally a hazard to all on this exposed street. Talking of bins, there was once a binfight in Stornoway. Back in May 2006, the council was giving away 3 composting bins per household from the recycling centre on the Lochs Road. It led to an unprecedented tailback of traffic on the A859, and the eye-brow raising sight of nurses barging past the policeman who told them to go away, saying "I am entitled to three free bins, and I'm going to get my three bins, so there". The people of Ness had themselves organised with the bins: a staggered approach was taken, with their own polisman directing traffic at the Ness Hall.
Today was a benign sort of day, although bitterly cold with flurries of snow - which never settled. I printed and wrote 37 Christmas cards, then printed and licked 37 envelopes (yuck). Spent £26 on stamps for cards all over the place - and also nipped into An Lanntair to view the entries into this year's Grinneas nan Eilean. I'll post pictures of the pictures in a separate entry.
Sometimes I really long for benign sort of days.
Bins do seem to be a focus of life here on Lewis and on a windy bin day are a menace when driving.