View across the Outer Harbour of Stornoway

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Sat nav is naff

There continues to be a steady stream of stories of people who are led astray by their satellite navigation system. The latest involved a man who was going to drive his car over the edge of a 100 feet precipice because his sat-nav insisted his narrow track was a road. His vehicle was left dangling over the edge of the cliff, and the emergency services took 9 hours to get it out again. The man is now facing a court appearance for driving without due care and attention.

When you're using a satellite navigation system, don't close your eyes to the world around you. If it leads you onto a cliff, into water or onto undrivable terrain, just don't follow it. Satnav systems are known to be out of date or just plain wrong.


  1. Funny that you mention this, because I was just chatting with my cousin about how sometimes his GPS gives weird advice. I said, "Like drive off of a cliff?" Hmm!

  2. Mary bought me one, at great expense I fear to say, a long while ago Guido and after using two three times...on roads that I knew....just to test it out LOL... I must say that on each occasion it took me miles out of my way adding miles to my journey..even once trying to persuade me on to the motorway.... I ditched it and have never used it again an never will.

    Love Sybil x

  3. I had no idea some people were using sattlelite-nav instead of their own eyes. I would hate to trust life and limb to such. Next thing you know people will be encouraged to take a nap while driving while some new invention takes them to their destination. A road is not the sky where you will not run into anything on auto pilot, but some planes have collided on that, too.

  4. Using technology without using common sense equals absolute stupidity. I can't believe there are people like that out there.
