View across the Outer Harbour of Stornoway

Friday 27 March 2009

Friday 27 March

March still rules supreme, and it's the usual alternating between brilliant sunshine and heavy showers. A battle royal between summer warmth and winter cold, and the battlefield as per usual lies over Scotland. I don't really mind, it's what makes these parts interesting and attractive.

Three weeks ago, a horse was taken on the ferry between Ullapool and Stornoway to go into semi-retirement in Lewis. Unfortunately, upon arrival at Stornoway the animal was found dead in its horsebox on the vehicle deck. There are suggestions that carbon monoxide fumes from a refrigeration unit on an adjacent trailer were to blame, but there is no firm evidence. Ferry operators Calmac state that the air on the vehicle deck is refreshed every 3 minutes, and the horsebox was placed next to an air intake.

Buses in Lewis have gone to summer timetable as of today, but due to a legally required tendering exercise and cutbacks, there have been some serious changes. As not many of my readers are intimately familiar with the geography of this island, I won't bother you with the details. Suffice to say, there is a good chance that some people can't find their bus, and even if they find a bus it may well not take them to their destination.


  1. It is the very same here. March rules. Heavy frost on the ground this morning ! Thankfully no snow nor any rain. Have a great Friday!
    'On Ya'-ma

  2. It is interesting to note the changes in your bus "services" same thing is happening down here in Bath and surrounding areas leaving some of the outer areas without a bus...."service...what service ? being asked all around.
    We had heavy showers yesterday all day but today been nice and warm behind the glass windows ! cold notherly out though.
    Love Sybil x

  3. Such a sad story about Buster - I can imagine his owners were devastated. One would think somebody would have taken toxic fumes from the truck into consideration. Very sad.
