View across the Outer Harbour of Stornoway

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Closing notes

Not that much more to comment on really. Although the sun did come out later in the afternoon, the weather remained unpleasant and cold. The lorries rumbled past on their way to the freight ferry half an hour ago, and by 11.30pm, we'll see MV Muirneag sailing by on its way to Ullapool.

Today, elections were held for the Stornoway Trust. Since 1923, all the land between Stornoway and Tolsta is managed for the community by the Trust. Trustees are elected by secret ballot, and in recent times candidates have been issuing their policy statements. That sounds grand, but is not. It mainly focuses on land usage (crofting) and the vexed issue of Sunday sailing and trading. The Sabbatarians have a strong foothold in Lewis, and are opposed to the breaking of the Sabbath, the Day of Rest. Without being disrespectful, I just don't see how that reconciles with the opening on Sundays of pubs, restaurants, airport and the petrol station cum shop. This link, 13 days old, explains further.

Off to bed shortly, and hoping for more springlike weather tomorrow. Fat chance.


  1. When I read your headline "Closing Notes" I rushed over here to see what you were talking about. I hoped that it would not be some bad news like Missy had for us a few days ago. I am glad that you just seemed to be going to bed. I must have been picking up her symptoms when I became so alarmed about all links going to Debbie. I thought maybe that is Blogspots way of handling bad news. Well, her news did prove to be about as bad as you can get, but I am hoping they can keep her improving now. I have since heard about two more people with knee surgeries, one having clots and down for a year, and the other fairly young dying of one. Bloggers who I follow closely start to get into my dreams. First a dream about a disappearing blog. Oh, Guido, I also had a half waking dream electricity flashed from my thermostat in the front room, and when I looked at it the next morning it had blown out! It still isn't fixed. This comment will soon be as long as your entry.

  2. I don't want to complain too much about the weather Guido as we have had a good few decent sunny days with the odd bit of rain and wind. The temps have dropped a bit but hey! It's not icey or snowing. We have suffered for too long with grey skies since last year. No more I say!
    As for honouring the Sabath? When I was last up in Scotland it felt like the old days when I realised that shops closed on Sundays.
    I get your point in question does seem like a contradiction.
    Hope the sun soon shines for you.
