View across the Outer Harbour of Stornoway

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Wednesday 15 October

I thought it was going to be a nice morning, but hey ho, here is the first shower of the day.

If you're in the Lesser Antilles and Puerto Rico, keep a very close eye on Hurricane Omar, which is making its way to a beach near you. By the time he has passed through, you won't have much beach left. Winds may peak over 90 mph, but that will be Thursday's news.

I have now saved blogs for Linda [lsfp1960] as she is still feeling under the weather and unsure when she'll be heading north again from southern CA. Blondepennierae's blog is also safe on my PC. I am awaiting instruction how to upload blogs saved using Backstreet browser.

I should admit to not being a Blogger expert, so if anyone has any technical tips regarding the small matter of templates, I would be very grateful. Leave a comment or email me on the usual.


  1. I hope the day ends up being nice for you. Expert...well, I need the ultimate expert for my blog...LOL Tags added without being multiples are my issue. Hope you get the help. Make it a great day! Take care...Joyce

  2. You can change templates under Edit blog if that is what you mean Guido. Cold and very overcast here. Rain early this morning.

  3. Here's what i've found so far...

    There are two different formats I've found online that you can use to change up your template the first one is already made templates at :

    these don't usually work with the stretch template though. They do have some guy type ones there, not a lot.

    The next site the one I think is more down your alley:

    I do believe the site I'm giving you has ready made background as well, you might want to check them out first to see if they have what your looking for. It should be on the sidebar under Blogger templates. Ok, I'm going to leave you with a link. You can make your own background with this one. It's just a matter of uploading a picture from your computer. If you know how to use a picture editing program it helps loads. The first step is lightening the picture to make it so you can read type on it. The picture should be mega big, I usually make a normal size picture 200 or 300 times larger. Once you go to the link I give you make sure you click transparent and centered. This way it will make sure your type can be read over the image.

    Uploading it to your blog is as easy as adding a new gadget to your sidebar. Add the gadget that says html. Then just paste the copied code from the background maker into it, save and viola you have a new background.

    One thing to remember is to change your type styles to your blog to bold so it's easier to read. Also use darker colors for text in journal entries.

    Hope this helps.(Hugs)Indy
